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Field Control and Bird-driving Dual-Spectrum Thermal Imager
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  • Dual-spectrum thermal imager, equipped with ultra-low light visible light detector, infrared high-definition detector (resolution: 640X512), rollover display (resolution: 800X600) and an external 532nm laser.With soft killing equipment with site control in smoke, fog, rain, snow and other harsh climate, quickly detect birds and other invasion targets and implement countermeasures.It has dual spectrum fusion and target highlight function, on the basis of meet the long distance target detection, fusion target details, improve target identification, at the same time, WIFI, GPS function, can record and restore the scene, can be applied to airport temporary monitor bird, Marine breeding birds, and forestry security scenarios.

    In order to protect the aviation safety, maintain passenger property and life safety, the airport has taken a variety of bird measures, including laser bird efficiency, portable bird double thermal imager single can cover airport large area and grassland equipment, through thermal imaging observation near the airport runway, bird double thermal imager can emit green laser beam can 3000 meters of runway and grass, this method has played a certain effect.In recent years, the ICAO recommended in the Airport Service Manual, which is a revolution in the world's civil airport and aviation field. It is proved that this thermal imaging laser bird drive can reduce the harm of birds in the military and civilian aviation industry by 42%.


    When the airport enters a night or foggy environment, the shadows of all grassland or other equipment around the runway will become a hiding place for birds. Ordinary telescopes and dim night vision equipment cannot find whether birds nearby affect navigation safety at night or in a foggy environment.The bird dual spectrum thermal imager uses infrared thermal imaging and visible light dual spectrum plus a special 532nm laser to perfectly solve this problem, infrared thermal imaging can find in the bad weather, whether there are birds around the scene, the most possible to avoid blind spots.Birds were displaced with suspicious areas using 532nm laser scanning.


    The thermal imager uses a safety laser, and the laser beam emitted by the dual thermal imager laser is a secondary laser, which meets the national IEC 60825-1 Editional1.2 standard and is 100% harmless to human eyes.Laser beam low-angle sweep runway, not visible outside the 15-degree taper, drive birddual-spectrum thermal imager is equipped with a horizontal lock, laser scanning height is lower than the pilot cockpit, does not affect the pilot's vision.Laser beam can direct human skin without causing damage to the skin.Bird repellent personnel should avoid the eye looking directly at the laser beam, but not causing damage to the eye.

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